06. Capstone Workspace

Capstone Workspace

This workspace can be used to develop the Capstone project. It is currently empty, but you can clone the Snake game repo or Hello World repo to the workspace.

Note: Currently the workspace is set up to install SDL2 each time the terminal is opened. If you are not using SDL2, you can remove the installation command from the .student_bashrc file.

Checking the Rubric

If your project works correctly and passes the tests above, carefully look at the project rubric. If you feel like all the criteria from the rubric are met, you are ready to submit!

Submitting the Project

This project can only be submitted through this workspace. This is done to ensure that you are able to test your code in an environment similar to what reviewers will use.
You can submit your project using the "SUBMIT PROJECT" button in the terminal below.

If you have developed your project locally, you can upload the project directory to the workspace for submission. Similarly, if you have your code in Github, you can clone your project into the workspace for submission.


This section contains either a workspace (it can be a Jupyter Notebook workspace or an online code editor work space, etc.) and it cannot be automatically downloaded to be generated here. Please access the classroom with your account and manually download the workspace to your local machine. Note that for some courses, Udacity upload the workspace files onto https://github.com/udacity, so you may be able to download them there.

Workspace Information:

  • Default file path:
  • Workspace type: react
  • Opened files (when workspace is loaded): n/a
  • userCode:

    export CXX=g++-7
    export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17